We know about psychological development that what we experience as children impacts on our behavior as adults. Because we are all unique this manifests in many different ways and I can offer psychological specialisms to support clients in the way that serves them best.
SE is a therapy which holds the body at the centre of the healing process. The brain explains and analyses the trauma while the traumatic pain is held in the cells of the body. We can tell our story and yet still feel its anguish. Through breathwork, visualisation and mindful presencing, the body is encouraged to release its emotional pain.
Mindful reconnection with the body enables the processing of trauma by resetting the nervous system.
Hypnotherapy creates access to the subconscious which is the storehouse of our brilliance, personal wisdom and creative capacity. Often we instinctively know what we want to do but still cannot do it. Doubt, fear and shame interrupt our capacity to live fully. This unique visualisation process stills our racing mind while keeping a conscious awareness. It is a profoundly healing experience which clears a pathway to emotional renewal.
Deep meditation and visualisation invites access to the subconscious and the personal wisdom that has been long suppressed.
A Constellation connects us with inherited family trauma. When we feel stuck in our lives it is often because we are carrying pain from our parents or grandparents which is not ours to carry. By accessing our energetic field we can trace the origins of our pain and rebalance our family system. We can put down inherited patterns of behaviour.
Working with our energetic field allows connection to our family system and our ancestral heritage to clear old, recurrent behavioural patterns.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) works to process trauma with both sides of the brain stimulated. Traumatic memory can become stuck in the right brain and bilateral eye movement reactivates the neural pathways which allow a peaceful resolution of distressing memory,
A structured eye movement process facilitates recovery from trauma by generating new neural pathways.